The All Japan Koi show 2018 trip – now ended.

The All Japan Koi Show trip was something we thought we would do for clients who wanted to see the best Koi in the world all in one place. The trip then moves up to Niigata and we look at the superb scenery and also go and look at some of the breeders, it is not normally a big buying trip…

This time it was!

The All Japan Koi show as always was fantastic. Some of the Koi were just outstanding and something people should always try and see. The Show was full over overseas visitors which is what the hobby and industry need to have. More and more people getting involved and taking the trip to see these amazing Koi.

If this is something you would like to do please get in touch, there is already a waiting list for the 2019 All Japan Koi Show trip. Places will come available if we get cancelations.

We had Clients from the UK and USA with us on this trip all looking to buy Koi, plus I had orders to fill for some clients in the UK and Europe.

The Snow this year was really terrible, the worst snow falls they have had for a long time. It was crazy, and also a little scary driving round, however as I type this the trip is finished and the truck has gone back to the rental company, so… Driving was all okay, no accidents or sliding down a mountain, close but we did okay!

We even drove down to Isawa which is around 200miles away from Niigata, the snow was heavy as we drove down towards Isawa but on the way back it was still very dangerous.

We have spent a total of 6 days in the mountains buying Koi. This was just enough time to get what we and the clients needed to buy.

With the clients being mainly dealers, it did get a little crazy trying to find the Koi and then they were photographing and sending out to their clients straight away. Mostly getting replies in seconds so we could either buy or leave, worked great.

We have selected more boxes this trip than even the last Autumn Harvest, I have not counted the final boxes but it’s well over 100 Boxes which is a lot for a February trip.

Koi will be shipped direct to the UK, Sweden and the USA from this trip.

The Tosai were plentiful this trip, just a little bit smaller than when we come over in Spring. Which means we will be back again in March to select the Jumbo Tosai.

It has been a great trip with excellent company.

A massive thanks to Graham, Chris, Paul, John, Brian and Ryan. Also, some big thanks as always to Shintaro Koi Farm for all their help and the beautiful dinner’s we went out for.
Thanks to all the clients and dealers who have bought from us this trip, it’s amazing to see the growth over the last few years.

We still have last minute things to tie up so as I type I am going for a meeting in Tokyo this evening then a day tomorrow for the paperwork to arrange the shipments.

So now we have a 7/8 week break until the next Japan buying trip to Japan starts. If you need any further information regarding the trip, then please get in touch.

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