Shintaro main pond harvest – October 2016

One of the highlights of the October trip, The Shintaro #1 Mud pond harvest.
This is a definate client favourite, a change to get involved and many of our clients have Koi growing on this pond.
The pond is one of the largest in Niigata and is the centre piece of a large area containing around 14 Mud Ponds all in one place. The beauty of the ponds being they have electric and running water, along with great draining.

The pond houses all Shintaro Koi Farms larger Koi, from 3 years old to 8 years old. Always very high class Koi in this pond.

In October 2016, 4 of our clients had Koi in this pond and 8 of our clients were on hand on the day to help with the Harvest. What a day!

Check out the video, its quite a long one but well worth the watch. Getting involved in this is a once in a life time experience for any Koi Keeper.

After the Harvest the Koi get taken back to Shintaro Koi Farm and unloaded with the help of Aoki, from Masaki Koi Farm who is a master Koi handler.

Then the clients take a look at their Koi and we take pictures for clients who did not make that trip. An amazing day in the mountains.

A massive thanks to Mararu Saito of Shintaro Koi Farm for allowing us to be there and be apart of this amazing Harvest.

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