Its coming round again!

The seasons come around very quickly.
No sooner are we back from the Autumn Harvests we are already planning the Spring trip. The flights will be booked after the Christmas break.

We will probably be visiting Niigata twice in Spring, once in March and again in February.
As the breeders select their Tosai and pick which ones can be sold, its best to arrive at the start of March. Then they do a final selection of which Tosai will be going into the mudponds for the summer. We go at this time because some very high quality Tosai can be found, Koi that are on the edge of being kept as Tategoi or to be sold. Breeders only have a certain amount of space to grow the 1 year old Koi too, dont forget they have larger Koi to go out too.

We will be travelling to Niigata to see all the breeders. When we are hunting smaller Koi we are VERY selective as to where we will buy them from. We have been dealing with the same breeders for our Tosai for many years, they are trusted Koi where we have seen them sell and develop, and seen how happy the people who bought them are. They maybe a little bit more expensive that the wholesalers but quality is the most important factor when picking small Koi. Koi that lose their colours in a matter of months are not good for business.
Dealers please get in touch with us as soon as possible if you would like to be involved in the next trips.
If anyone would want to come along on a Koi buying trip to Japan then please get in touch for more information.

Thank you.

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